How can your organization partner with


• Call or Write! The easiest first step is to have a conversation!  Our team would be very interested to talk with you about how you partner with the GO STEM partners to help forward the cause of promoting STEM in eastern Oregon. Contact to set up a time to chat.

Some typical ways that organizations, businesses and industries partner with GO STEM are listed below:

• Participating on the GO STEM organization as an advisor, board member, or contributing member.  Participating levels can range from direct recommendations to GO STEM for programming or organizational priorities to broader advisory roles.

• Providing GO STEM with resources your enterprise has or will produce such as instructional videos, career track materials, or curriculum.

• Sharing your organizational personnel to help teach workshops, career track workshops, or as mentors for students needing technical help with a project or research.

• Hiring interns for paid or unpaid positions as both an opportunity for the student and the business to get acquainted and perhaps forge a career track for the student and/or a potential employee.

• Gifting GO STEM with financial help to share the expense of installing specific STEM education programs in the region. This can range from agreeing to fund projects or to provide partial matching finds for grants that require public partnering.