Mobile Maker Lab

Welcome to the Mobile Maker Lab Program!
The Mobile Maker Lab Program has been designed to bring STEM education and resources to rural communities in Eastern Oregon. Lab content strives to engage students and teachers using STEM teaching best practices and are aligned with Next Generation Science Standards. Labs are in-class experiences (the mobile trailer will be present depending upon availability and weather) designed to be done with the teacher present. A single lab typically requires about 50 minutes of class time. Ideally, we like to visit as many classes in a school as is reasonable. We can also change the lab being taught depending on the class. Take a look at the labs we can offer below.
If you want more details on these labs, please contact:
Kyle Peterson Koyle at [email protected].

Scheduling Visits:
If you are interested in scheduling a visit to your site, please see the calendar below for availability. We try to visit areas on a county-by-county basis.
If your county month does not have the dates you desire, email Kyle Peterson Koyle at [email protected] to see if there are other options.