STREAM Library

Here, you will find links to free curricular teaching resources and curriculum. Resources may direct you to another website or were created and are curated by the GO STEM team.

Mobile Maker Lab Educator Resources:

More Coming Soon!

Entrepreneurship/Ideation Resources:

Social Emotional Learning Resources:

Outdoor School Curriculum:

Sixth Grade Whole Ecosystems in Balance (WEB) NGSS-Aligned Curriculum (The Whole Ecosystems in Balance (WEB) program was developed to give students an extensive overview of ecosystem components and their interactions while meeting Next Generation Science Standards. WEB consists of 11 classroom activities and 5 field lessons; each activity and lesson has been aligned to meet NGSS for the 6th grade classroom. The goal is to develop an awareness in students of the need for sound resource management and to help them understand that the components of an ecosystem are interconnected and must be viewed as a whole system and not just independent parts of the same system.)

Other Resources:

GO STEM STEAM Learning Resources (This is a packet of different GO STEM STEAM teaching and informational texts, shared at the IMESD conference on October 13th.)

Digital Claim-Evidence-Reasoning Binder  (These are evidence-based writing and speaking resources for educators to use with students of all ages and across all content areas. CER stands for “Claim-Evidence-Reasoning” and is a nationally-used writing “formula” for writers to use! GO STEM has curated these resources and scaffolds to help simplify the teaching of evidence-based writing and assessment. The last page of the guide has leveled articles that align with our Mobile Maker Lab curriculum topics, as well!)

GO STEM Computer Science Professional Development Guide (This was developed by the GO STEM team as part of the Oregon GEER Computer Science grant. It provides walk throughs of different computer science materials, links to free curriculum, research on computer science and computational thinking, and more!)

Four blocks with the letters S, T, E, and M - with a human hand on the far right.  Pointer finger is touching the "M" block.