GO STEM is a collaborative partnership led by an Advisory Board with representatives from seven counties in eastern Oregon. Our work centers around three key priority areas:
1) STEM Awareness, Pipelines & Pathways – Grow the workforce!
2) STEM Systems for Education – Improve educational opportunities!
3) Communicating Rural STEM Perspectives, Needs, Solutions & Opportunities – Advance rural viewpoints!
GO STEM is about improving K-12 awareness and access to high quality STEM education programs.
GO STEM is networking industry, education, business, and government partners to impact STEM education and development in the region.
GO STEM is STEM for all in greater Oregon!
STEM Education is an approach to teaching and lifelong learning that emphasizes the natural inter-connectedness of the four separate STEM disciplines. The common element of problem solving is emphasized across all STEM disciplines allowing students to discover, explore, and apply critical thinking skills as they learn.
GO STEM is about connecting CTE and Voc-Tech programs between high school, college, and industry.
CTE courses, science fairs, or robotics are all examples of STEM. GO STEM seeks to add rigor and expand on these activities by bringing real-world applications to core classes, supporting cross-disciplinary teaching, supporting after school clubs, and increasing interactions between STEM and the community.
GO STEM is a regional partnership cultivating a community that values STEM learning, prepares youth for successful STEM careers, and builds pathways and pipelines to meet workforce needs.
Realize regional prosperity through a thriving STEM workforce and career‐ready rural youth.